Thursday, August 23, 2012

Parashat Shoftim

Parashat Shoftim
Elul 7, 5772 ~ Aug 125, 2012
by Neska

The Soul You Breathed into me is pure.
You Breathed It into me as I was born
You Breathed It into me and I took my first breath
So how can we be separated.
We cannot.
I was so Pure from Your Breath.
So Pure.
And then I grew.  And I made choices -
and more choices
most of them negative
and I was spiralling down....
And then
You saved my life.
You caused me to stop   and look
And one day I heard a Rabbi say
“Judges and Police shall you put at your gates”
Not the city's gates....but your gates.
My gates.  My openings.
And slowly I began to
stop and look and listen and speak
very differently.
I began to notice that when I wanted to say something
the Judges would say 'do you really?' 
And the Police would say 'take action – now.'
Or if I was listening to something unsavory
the Judges would say 'do you really want to listen?' 
And the Police would say 'leave'.
And I understood that there have to be both Judges and Police
at the gateways, at my gateways
because knowing is not enough
Without acting – knowing is not enough
And that's what the Torah teaches me
One has potential and one has actualization.
Adam and Chava.
Justice Justice – you shall pursue.
Just knowing that Justice is what I should pursue
allows me da'at—allows me to know
but without the action
it just sits there.
And of what good is that.             

This is what the Torah teaches.
Knowledge is good.
Action is good.
One without the other is pure potential.
One without the other is insufficient.
We will do  and we will understand.

Judges and Police shall you place at your gates.

Shabbat Shalom.

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