In Honor of My Brother Michael, zt'L
And Noach stretched out his hand (v'yishlach yado) for
the dove to bring it into the ark. For
me, one of the most beautiful gracious humane compassionate human gestures in
the Chumash.
And in the Akeida:
And Avraham stretched out THE *his* hand (v'yishlach Avraham ET yado) for the
knife. 1. Had Avraham moved the knife so far away from
him that he had to stretch his hand to grab it, to do something he didn't want
to do? Or was this the same hand that
Noach had used for a humane purpose, now reaching out to take a life.
Some sages state that Avraham is Noach reincarnated. At that moment, did Avraham have a cosmic
realization that this very same hand that was now reaching for the knife had
once reached for the dove? Yet another
lesson that what Hashem has given us can be used for the positive or for the
May we all enjoy a life affirming Shabbat Shalom
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