Friday, April 15, 2011

Parshat Acharei Mot

Parashat Acharei Mot
Nissan 19, 5771 ~ April 23, 2011
In gratefulness for our 72nd Birthdays Neska Neska & Sheila D.

Aaron, the High Priest, is a changed man.
His two sons, Nadav and Avihu, have been lifted from this world.
Because of wanting to get closer to go spiritually higher.
He is the High Priest.
He, too, wishes to go spiritually bring the people closer to Hashem.
And in that desire
He must be careful of the details.

Each article of clothing is being put on precisely.
He has noticed his hands have a very slight tremor as he dresses himself.
He knows his every act has to be for Hashem and the people.
A very heavy responsibility.
Should he do something wrong, all know the consequences.
He has tied his sash around his waist... separating Olam Habah from Olam Hazeh.
So many people placing their trust in him.
He placing his trust in Hashem.
He must be careful of the details.

The hardest for him will be the service of the incense.
He will try not to think of his sons.
But how can he not, for a split second.
The memory is still too fresh.
He puts that aside.
He will be focused because this is the favorite service of Hashem's -
The scent of His people's wanting to do His Will.
Be careful of the details.

Focus Aaron.
It is for this that you were chosen.
It is for this that you make atonement for you and for Hashem's people.
You, too, were involved in the golden calf.
It is for this that you were chosen.
Focus Aaron.
Be careful of the details.

I cannot even fathom this temple service.
I cannot even fathom the Temple.
I cannot fathom the hard, hard work – every day.
I cannot fathom the amount of joy.
I truly cannot fathom the Temple.
I can see all the pictures I want.
I can squeeze my eyes shut and try to hear the sounds
The singing,
The smells.
I am too distant from it.
I can't get close enough emotionally spiritually.
I am too far removed....too far removed.
But what I do learn is – I must live my life being careful of the details while keeping joy.
If only...

This is Shabbos HaGadol. On of two Shabboses that the Rabbis gave a drash. In days of old. How blessed we are today to “have” Rabbi Dardik and Rabbi Davies and Rabbi Rozen and all who teach us daily – our children, our families, our friend, those whose names we don't even know and yes, the beggar on the street.

I LEARNED THIS DETAIL ABOUT PESACH FROM RABBI AYLAH Perhaps it is better to get the schmutz out of our hearts rather than the kitchen corners. Or perhaps getting the schmutz out of the kitchen corners also gets the schmutz out of our hearts.

Shabbat Shalom. May we all be blessed to have a fulfilling Pesach. Omeyn.

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