Parsha Noach
Tishrei 30/ October 4
By: Neska
I just noticed a similarity between Parsha Bereshis and Parsha Noach - the eating of the fruit of the Tree and the drinking of the fruit of the Vine. Both causing the resultant loss of Paradise.
No sooner does Hashem create the human when, at some point during that time and the beginning of Shabbos (one year, a thousand years, 10 billion years) the human errs and we all experience the beginning of the end, as it were.
No sooner does Hashem cause the flood to recede when Noach, (having kept to his task building the Ark. keeping life on the Ark and unloading the Ark), plants a vineyard, takes a drink (a sip? a glass? a whole bottle?) gets drunk and we all, once again, experience the beginning of the end, as it were.
The "apple" and the wine. How physical we humans are. No instant Moshiach for us. No elevated level the second (7th, 8th) time around. We have yet failed again.
And we are still trying to regain The Garden.
Shabbat Shalom
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