Monday, March 24, 2014

Parsha Vayeishev - November 22, 2013

Kislev 19/November 22 
By: Neska 

When Yosef's brothers saw the coat of many colors (what if it had been just one color - would it have made a difference) they hated their brother they understood the meaning behind the gift that Ya'akov had selected Yosef to be the continuer of the covenant and when Yosef further disclosed his dreams they hated him even more because they knew in their hearts that they were correct.

So what was so wrong with Yosef even though not the oldest but certainly a first born of Rochel's becoming the 'chosen' of the pack?

Because the brothers truly thought that Yosef was the incorrect choice and would not be the perfect person to continue to lead the Jewish people they knew he had to be stopped by any means and so they tried for the sake of the Jewish people.

However, as we all know now.......

Shabbat Shalom

Chag Sameach Chanukah vee Thanksgiving

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